The Museum Collection
Visit of the Collection of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
Meeting with a museum curator
What is contemporary art?
October 12th, 2011: Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal
The Corporate Collection
Meeting with a corporate collection curator
Tour of a corporate collection
How and why does a company collect contemporary works of art?
October 26th, 2011: McCarthy Tétrault
The Artist’s Studio
Visit to an artist’s studio
Meeting with the artist and viewing of works yet to be shown
What it means to be a contemporary artist?
November 9th, 2011: John Ancheta
The Private Collector
Meeting with an art collector
Discovery of a private collection
How and why does one become an art collector?
November 23rd, 2011
The Art Gallery
Meeting with a gallery owner
Tour of ongoing show
What is the relationship between gallerist, collector and artist?
December 7th, 2011: Battat Contemporary