These resources are designed to make the MAC exhibition more accessible to people of all abilities. They are also available to anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of the exhibition’s visual content.

What is audiodescription?


Audiodescription is a recorded commentary describing the elements that make up a work of art, making it accessible to blind or partially-sighted people.

Plan your visit

These audio described resources are available online and in our exhibition spaces (accessible via your own device). The next time you visit the Museum, do not hesitate to ask our team how to access these resources. A binder with large-print exhibition texts and a tactile map of our spaces is also available at our welcome desk. All information on the Museum’s accessibility is available here

The accessible content for our past exhibitions is also available here.

This audiodescribed resource was produced by Elokutio, in collaboration with the Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Montréal métropolitain (RAAMM) and the MAC.

General introduction to the exhibition

Presentation of the film Sigwan, 2005

Presentation of the documentary Incident at Restigouche, 1984

Presentation of Incident at Restigouche (pdf)

Presentation of the documentary Richard cardinal : Cry from a diary of a metis child, 1986

Presentation of Richard Cardinal : Cry from a diary of a metis child (pdf)

Presentation of feature-length documentary Kanehsatake : 270 ans de résistance, 1993

Presentation of Kanehsatake : 270 ans de résistance (pdf)