SABRINA RATTÉ, Floralia, 2021
4 HD videos, colour, loop, sound and wallpaper, 1/3 Collection of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.
Purchase, with the support of the National Bank Private Wealth 1859, Collectors Symposium 2021 and the contribution of BMO Banque de Montréal, Diane Boissonneault, Antoine Chagnon, Louise Chagnon-Bucheit, Sanimax, Guthrie Stewart, M. Vincent Chiara et Mme Stella Vassallo et la Famille Yoon-Shareck.
Photo: Hervé Veronese, courtesy of the artist and of the Festival Hors pistes, Centre Pompidou
© Sabrina Ratté
They make us aware of the fragility of water; have us listen to the heartbeats of Earth and the pulse of volcanoes; and remind us that trees communicate with each other in forests, that migrating birds bear stories of diaspora, that each plant bears the marks of its species’ displacements, that all human beings contain torrents within them.
Today, as the glaciers slowly melt, as the number of non-human living beings is dwindling, we must expose and amplify the traces of their noises and their fragile presence as a form of clearly perceptible warning. Although art cannot solve today’s ecological problems, these works offer us opportunities to make up for our inattention and lack of sensitivity to the diverse worlds of the living.